Paintings & Graphics

Born in 1950 in Clausnitz / Erzgebirge
1966 Electrician-training energy
1974 - 1977 Visits to the painting and drawing courses of Rossio Majores at TU Dresden
1977 - 1992 Engineer in the VEB „Otto Buchwitz“ power plant factory Dresden
1989 - 1993 Visits to the painting and drawing courses Bannewitz of Dieter Mattheus
1991 Excursion to the Bohemian Switzerland
Since 1993 working independently in the field of electronics
1997 Drawing course with Professor Gottfried Bammes
2000 Course: Drawing and design at the Art Academy in Dresden with Hr. Nitzsche

Gunter Langer - Nude in Red Gunter Langer - Nude in Blue Gunter Langer - Portrait in Red