Painting / Graphics
1953 born in Plauen, Vogtland
1971-73 apprenticeship as a typesetter in the Printing House in Leipzig,
Evening Studies at the School of Visual Arts in Leipzig
1973-78 studied at the Leipzig Academy with Prof. Rolf Kuhrt, Diploma in Graphic
since 1978 member of the VBK / GDR (now Saxon Association of Artists)
1989 co-founded the artist group "Dresden Secession 89"
1993 to 1994 working scholarship from the Foundation Kulturfonds
from 1999 lecturer at the TU Dresden in the Faculty of Arts and Musicology
2000 to 2001 year of training for computer graphic designer, creating an animation
2002 receipt of a project-specific grant by the Department of Culture Dresden
study trips to Russia, Georgia, Cuba, Montenegro, Morocco, Kenya, France, Spain, Italy, Sinai
Leonore Adler is living freelancing in Dresden