Markus Reck studied general art history, Byzantine Art History & Archaeology Christianity and European Ethnology in Freiburg.
Professionally he observes and analyzes the national media landscape in the areas of TV and radio and is working as a photographer.
Prior to his studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Markus Reck studied music at the Jazz & Rock Guitar School Rastatt and the Jazz & Rock School Freiburg.
He then completed a photo-technical education at the GLG Freiburg, where he graduated top of his class.
From 1999 he started free work in the field of nude photography and contract work for various institutions as well as musicians and actors portraits.
While Markus Reck in the first years of his photographic was a strong advocate of traditional photography, he rose in 2003 to the digital photography.
He began to explore the possibilities of the new medium, experimenting with photograph assembly. In 2007 he won the first place in the competition "people, nude, portrait" of the magazine "Photo Hits. Magazine for photography and image processing"
with his "Aktmultiple V" under the 2231 submissions. Parallel to his own productions, Markus Reck works closely with other artists and documents their exhibitions and performances.