Born in 1947 in Czechoslovakia
1962- 65 Fine Mechanics apprenticeship
Since 1969 in the FRG
1972- 74 studied mechanical engineering
1976- 86 self-taught guitar maker
1985 Publication of the book "self-built guitar"
Seit 1986 turning
Seit 1993 Member of the National Association "Arts and Crafts Hessen"
Seit 1997 Member of BBK Frankfurt exhibition "Artistry in Wood" LIGNA, Hannover
1998 Exhibition "Pathways 98" Cleveland, USA, 1st Prize "Art Austria", Hallstatt, Austria
2000 Exhibition in St. Louis and Philadelphia, USA, Saskatoon, Canada
2002 Hessian Design Award 3rd prize
2006 book publication "Wood Sculpture Vessel"
2007 Culture Award Main - Kinzig - Kreis, Gallery "Marianne Brand" Genève
2008 articipating in the book project "New Masters of Woodturning", Nina Bliese Gallery Minneapolis, Hessian Design Award 1st prize
Since 2009 Member of the European group Vessels