Born 1976 in Sonneberg
1992 - 1997 Guest student at the College of the Arts, Berlin:
Figure drawing, visual communication / cartoons, illustration techniques
1996 A-Level in Berlin
1999 Freelance work as an "illustration designer"
Design work, etc. for ZDF new media, mti Industrial Ltd, University La Sapienza (Rome), Cem Özdemir, gox GmbH (Department of Design: Project management, coordination and planning)
Chamber of Commerce degree in 2000 as an advertising designer, Berlin
With 1-year work experience in the Concept Publishing & Printing Berlin
2002 – Now specializing in "Pinup Illustration"
2003 – Now selling her own pinup products in designer shops in Europe
2004 Diploma as a designer (FH) at FHTW Berlin University,
Mentor: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Bammes, artist anatomy