Paintings & Sculpture

Born 1943 in Dohna / Saxony
1959 - 1962 ABF for Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden
1962 - 1963 Apprenticeship as a decorative painter
1965 - 1970 Studied painting and graphic art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden with Gerhard Kettner, Günter Horlbeck and Paul Michaelis, graduated with diploma
Freelance since 1970 as a painter and graphic artist in Dresden
1980 - 1989 Game Animals - sculptures in wood for children in the space
Locations: Dresden-Zschertnitz, Dresden-Gruna
1970 - 1990 Painting and drawing courses for children and adults in various institutions
Since 1991, adult education centre in Dresden: Courses for portraits, still lifes, painting: Courses monotype (Riesa e.V Dresden), Painting and Drawing Courses (BioTOP eV Kümmelschänke)
Siegfried Adam lives in Dresden

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