Paintings & Sculpture

Born in 1948 in Dresden
1963 Award of the magazine "Shankar's weekly" at the international children's drawing competition
1966 Graduation with high school and craft certificate (apprenticeship as a wheel potter at the TU Dresden with Harry Schulze)
1962 - 1967 Participation in painting and drawing courses of Edmund Götz, Dresden
1966 - 1971 Studied architecture at the Technical University of Dresden with diploma
1971 - 2000 Full-time work as an architect in Dresden design offices, continuing with painting and ceramics in the spare time
1981 - 1983 Special school for managing ceramics courses
1983 Participation in painting and drawing courses of Hermann Naumann, Dresden
1986 - 1989 Participation in painting and drawing courses of Eberhard von der Erde, Dresden
Since 2004 Freelancer in Dresden

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